Safeguarding the young people in our care underpins everything we do at school. As part of Newham Community Learning, at Sarah Bonnell School we follow the protocols and procedures outlined in the Trust wide Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, available on the Policies Page of our Trust website. The policy includes named contacts at all six schools with the Trust, and was last updated in July 2024 further to the release of the DfE’s Keeping Children Safe in Education May 2024 document available on this page of, which, pending final publication, comes into effect on 01 September 2024.
The Trust Board of Newham Community Learning has a Lead Safeguarding trustee, details of which can be found on the Governance Page of the Trust website. Our local governing body at school also has a designated governor who leads safeguarding – Paul Leslie, who is both the Chair of Governors at our school and is also the Chair of the Trust Board.
Our safeguarding practices are further supported by our Safer Recruitment Policy, which details how all staff and volunteers are brought on board, including all the checks that are undertaken. This is also available for review on the Policies Page of the Trust website.
All staff at Sarah Bonnell School receive annual Safeguarding Training. In addition, specific training, including Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Training and Prevent Duty Training is also provided.
Contact details for our Safeguarding Team are below:
Name | Job Title | Phone Number | |
Becks Clark | | Designated Safeguarding Lead | 0208 534 6791 ext 177 |
Jodie Whitfiled | | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | 0208 534 679 ext 182 |
Jade Brown | | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | 0208 534 679 ext 181 |
Name | Job Title | Phone Number | |
Sharmin Aziz | | Safeguarding Officer | 0208 534 6791 ext 205 |
Shorifa Jahan | | Safeguarding Officer | 0208 534 6791 ext 221 |
Safeguarding Team | | Safeguarding Email Team | |
Paul Leslie | | Safeguarding Link Governor and Chair | Via Trust Office: 0330 053 4810 |
Alex Mihu | | Newham Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) | 0203 3736 706 |