Year 7 Curriculum
The Year 7 curriculum at Sarah Bonnell School supports the transition between Year 6 and Year 7 by introducing students to new subjects, experiences and skills. Our detailed Curriculum Learning Map describes our programme of learning in Year 8.
Exploration Project
To help smooth transition into secondary education, students learn by working on a cross curricular theme of “Exploration” during their first few weeks of term. This project stretches from transition day in Year 6, providing consistency across a range of new subjects and environments to support the transition and deliver an exciting and engaging foundation to the curriculum in Year 7. The project culminates in a celebration event, this is an opportunity to showcase the work of Year 7 students. All Year 7 Parents are invited to come along to the evening and celebrate the work completed by their daughters.
In order to broaden our student’s horizons and prepare them to be global citizens in an increasingly competitive workplace, students have the opportunity for students to study two languages in Year 7 and 8. This is also beneficial for developing student’s literacy, oracy and their cultural understanding. Students choose these subjects during the transition period.
Humanities Carousel
Geography, History and PSHRE are taught as a termly carousel in Year 7, this enables a greater depth of study within a subject and supports student’s transition from primary to secondary by reducing the number of teachers students see in a week and helps builds greater relationships which are fundamental for inclusion and progress.
Learning for Life
Learning for life develops a range of skills and learning competencies that can be transferred across the curriculum. Students are encouraged to become critical thinkers and resilient learners who adopt a growth mind-set. Students develop the skills which allow them to become courageous and confident young women who are able to make a contribution to their community.
Access and Inclusion
A&I supports students with a range of SEND learning profiles through 1:1 in-class support, small-group interventions such as Lifeboat literacy and LEXIA. The TG (Transition Group) curriculum is provided for students who benefit from a personalised provision in literacy, numeracy and social skills. TG is led by specialist teachers and supported by experienced Teaching Assistants.
Higher Ability
The curriculum is designed to stretch and challenge all students. This ensures that students continue the school’s success in ensuring students of all academic abilities make excellent progress. The highest attainers follow a curriculum which introduces GCSE ideas and concepts early, through consistent high expectations in all lessons and through the provision of exciting extra-curricular opportunities inside and outside of school. The most able students also are invited to be a part of a bespoke Scholarship programme which provides opportunities which have been designed to extend and accelerate learning.
Enhanced Learning Days
To support all of the students at Sarah Bonnell we have an exciting and stimulating programme of 5 Enhanced Learning Days across the Year, where the students are off-timetable for the day, participating in enriching activities to support their learning.
The purpose of Enhanced Learning Days are to:
- Allow students the opportunity to experience learning outside of the classroom through a comprehensive visits and events calendar
- Encourage students to reflect on how they are preparing to become global citizens through engaging workshops and guest speakers
- Promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth by engaging with topics that promote mutual respect and cohesion
Subjects Taught in Year 7
The curriculum for each subject, in every year group, is carefully planned and delivered. Click on any subject below to learn more – and click the subject again to collapse the information.
Over the Key Stages, through a strategically structured and scaffolded curriculum, we believe that students should be given opportunities to develop confidence and ownership over their progress by gradually developing these mastery level skills, techniques and subject knowledge overtime.
Our students will be creatively challenged within disciplines by actively promoting the application of mathematical, scientific and literacy skills through a range of exciting and engaging projects. Curriculum content provides regular opportunities to prepare students for a rapidly advancing technological world, which reflects the creative industries that are thriving in Newham, the UK, and internationally.
We work closely with a range of industry professionals, further education providers and external organisations to provide regular opportunities to stimulate students and enhance curriculum’s. We continue to work closely with organisations including Bow Arts Education, University of the Arts London, Fixperts, Tech bloq. The links that we have nurtured have allowed us to establish an annual Our Creative Careers Event which helps students make purposeful connections and links between their subjects, pathways and their local communities developing their aspirations in the process.
We offer a range of opportunities for students to regularly engage with ADT subjects both within and outside the curriculum, Including:-
- Art Club, Baking club, Making club
- Masterclass sessions in subjects such as Engineering, Calligraphy and Photography
- Arts Award Bronze program in Photography
- Regular trips to galleries around London such as the V&A and the Tate Modern
Year 7
Year 7 Art at Sarah Bonnell is designed to build excitement and instill a belief in our students in their creative potential. The curriculum provides students with the opportunity to start building and engaging with the skills required to create personalised artwork that responds to themes and research. They clearly document ideas within sketchbooks through purposeful drawings and written evaluation. Throughout the year they are begin experimenting with new materials to develop mastery level knowledge in Drawing, Printmaking, Painting, and Ceramics.
Art as a Message
Students explore the theme of ‘environment’ and create research to raise awareness of a chosen topic within this, e.g. Climate Change, Recycling and so on. Influenced by their research, students design artwork and experiment with printmaking to create a stencil, printed onto an old t-shirt to raise awareness of their topic.
Abstract Clay Jewellery
Students research and compare the work of Kandinsky and Mondrian and create abstract artwork inspired by them, which later develops into an abstract designs for a ceramics slab built neck pendant. Students learn about the stages of the clay process and experiment with the slab building method to make their pendant.
The Visual Elements
Students are introduced to the visual elements of art, and through the work of Camille Walala, Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, they explore in detail each visual element, creating artwork the interpret each one. Students experiment with the techniques of collage, painting and drawing.
In Year 7, students get the opportunity to take part in the Bronze Arts Award qualification in Photography, working with a resident artist from Bow Arts. It is a 10 week after school club with a nationally recognised qualification at the end of this fantastic programme.
In Year 7 students are taught the basic principles of how digital systems work. They are able to develop their knowledge and understanding through various projects and programming. Students are given to tools to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content as well as becoming digitally literate. In Computing students are introduced to the basics and are able to develop their understanding of hardware components and simple logic. Students are also able to write programs to help solve a problem. This course is engaging and fun and gives students the opportunity to learn how computer technology works.
Year 7 Computing curriculum includes:
- STEM Exploration Project
- Advanced Scratch Code
- Online Safety
- Computer & The Law
- Database & Superhero
- Mac Book
In ICT students develop their knowledge of current and emerging technologies. This course is engaging and allows students to use a range of ICT tools and techniques to help solve a problem. Students are able to develop their ability to work collaboratively.
Year 7 ICT curriculum includes:
- Creative projects
- Selecting, using & combining multiple applications
- Collecting and analysing data
- Create, re-use, revise and re-purpose digital artefacts
Over the Key Stages, through a strategically structured and scaffolded curriculum, we believe that students should be given opportunities to develop confidence and ownership over their progress by gradually developing these mastery level skills, techniques and subject knowledge overtime.
Our students will be creatively challenged within all disciplines by actively promoting the application of mathematical, scientific and literacy skills through a range of exciting and engaging projects. Curriculum content provides regular opportunities to prepare students for a rapidly advancing technological world, which reflects the creative industries that are thriving in Newham, the UK, and internationally.
We work closely with a range of industry professionals, further education providers and external organisations to provide regular opportunities to stimulate students and enhance curriculums. We continue to work closely with organisations including Bow Arts Education, University of the Arts London, Fixperts, TechBloq. The links that we have nurtured have allowed us to establish an annual Our Creative Careers Event, which helps students make purposeful connections and links between their subjects, pathways and their local communities developing their aspirations in the process.
We offer a range of opportunities for students to regularly engage with ADT subjects both within and outside the curriculum, Including-
- Art Club, Baking club, Making club
- Masterclass sessions in subjects such as Engineering, Calligraphy and Photography
- Arts Award Bronze program in Photography
- Regular trips to galleries around London such as the V&A and the Tate
Design and Technology – Create and Construct
Year 7 Design & Technology thrusts students into the exciting world of designing and engineering through a range of projects that provides learners with the freedom to design and make; the foundational skills upon which all of Design & Technology is built. The focus of year 7 is to allow learners to unleash their creativity using the concept of design language and styling by exploring the work of others and identifying the prevalent design themes found within products. Students are then given the opportunity to bring their design ideas to life through the use of specialised equipment and machines in order to produce a final prototype that successfully fulfils a provided design brief.
Design your Superhero – Woodwork and Electronics
This exciting project provides students with the opportunity to explore and investigate the themes surrounding superhero and comic book designs. Students then learn how to design within the constraints of a provided theme, exhibiting their own designed superhero in the form of a ‘block-figure’ prototype. Students then learn how to safely use the makerspace in order to construct their final superhero toy product combining electronics to include a light-up feature.
Pencil Case Design (Inspired by Frida Kahlo’s Work) Sewing and CAD
Students learn how to use inspiration from artists and designers’ work to inform their own ideas as they are tasked with designing a pencil case that is inspired by Frida Kahlo. Through performing experimentation on varying fabrics, students learn how to use a range of textile techniques such as machine sewing, creating their own prints using CAD (computer aided design) designs and applying their designs via heat transfer which are used to make their final pencil case.
Sustainable Packaging – Graphic Design and CAD
The important topic of environment and sustainability is introduced to students in year 7 through this packaging design project. Students will develop the skill of critically analysing the work of others against a set criteria of sustainability. Posed with a design challenge to incorporate a set of functions within their own packaging design, students will create a final prototype made with the aid of CAD/CAM.
In Year 7, students get the opportunity to join making club, and take part in a range of STEAM based activities. We also offer engineering masterclass’ and opportunities to get students excited about the world of design, technology and engineering.
The Drama Curriculum Area at Sarah Bonnell School seeks to build a learning culture of aspiration, achievement and creativity. We aim to empower our students so that they can all reach their full potential and develop as confident young performers. We believe that the skills students ascertain can provide them with a fulfilling career in the Arts, but also, equip them with transferable skills that can be used in everyday life. We feel that the study of Drama reflects the ethos of our school motto:
Be Proud: Students are proud to showcase their work both in class, at extracurricular events and performances inside and outside of school.
Aim High: Students are encouraged to challenge themselves leading to increased confidence and resilience.
Work Hard: Students see the importance of working hard to reach their goals. For example, their dedication to learning at GCSE level ensures that they achieve excellent results.
Be Kind: Students understand that communication, working with others and having great teamwork skills are essential ingredients to succeeding in Drama and life.
No Excuses: Students have high expectations for themselves and the work they create and are committed to their learning inside and outside the Drama curriculum area.
Year 7 Drama provides students with a creative, exploratory learning experience where they develop not only performance skills, but also, literacy and analytical skills. The Year 7 Drama curriculum includes:
Visionary Women Exploration Project -Students explore a range of visionary women from different cultures
Greek Theatre – Antigone – Scripted unit
Live Theatre Visit – Theatre Review Writing
Devising Unit – Darkwood Manor – Introduction to Gothic Genre
The Skin I’m in by Sharon G Flake – Scripted Play unit.
There is a balance of practical and written activities where they are introduced to devised drama and scripted work. This prepares them with necessary knowledge and skills to continue their learning journey into Year 8 and beyond.
Throughout KS3, the curriculum area provides a full range of exciting opportunities for students to perform and thrive in, for example, students perform in our annual year 7 celebration evening, and are also able to take part in the school production. Additionally, Year 7 students are given the opportunity to visit a professional theatre to watch and review a live performance which links with their ‘Live Theatre Visit’ scheme of learning.
Over the years the Drama Curriculum Area has built excellent relationships with world renowned institutions including Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Stratford East Theatre and UCL: Institute of Education. In addition to this, students have the opportunity to work with a range of professional actors.
Our curriculum is challenging and pertinent to ensure all students can become successful English students. They are inspired through engagement with literary heritage as well as contemporary writers and thinkers – all readings encourage students to enjoy Literature and see the value of exploring the world through reading. We deliver a curriculum which focuses on skills empowering all students to communicate in a fluent and confident manner. Students leave SBS with the skills they need to engage and flourish within their community and society as a whole.
English Year 7 – Excite
English in Year 7 offers an exciting and unforgettable introduction to the world of Literature. Students are challenged by their readings and opportunities to create engaging pieces of writing which builds on and secures skills gained at KS2.
What students study:
- Shakespeare – ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’
- Novel – ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell
- Poetry – Conflict Poetry
- Nonfiction (Female Leaders)
- Accelerated Reading in the Learning Hub
Why they study this:
Students begin by reading and performing Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ to develop their language capabilities – working collaboratively and across drama and English. This transition unit encourages them to be confident and passionate while making Shakespeare their own. Students’ reading comprehension is also secured through reading a range of challenging texts; students read Orwell’s allegorical tale ‘Animal Farm’ and nonfiction texts about female leaders (based on Vashti Harrison’s text). By the end of Year, students will also become confident at planning, drafting and redrafting creative writing pieces inspired by what they’ve read. This is supported by a literacy curriculum of reading and undertaking accelerated reader quizzes, and building on skills which secure the fluency of students as readers.
Introduction to Healthy Eating
Students begin by learning the fundamentals of kitchen hygiene and health and safety focusing on the four C’s of cooking. They are introduced to a range of kitchen equipment to enable them to make a range of cuisines using a range of new practical skills such as: dough making for Pizza, bridge hold and claw grip to create Stir-Frys and understanding raising agents to create Victoria Sponge.
Students are introduced to the concept of healthy eating and the Eat-well Guide learning the nutritional value of different commodities to enable them to make informed choices about the food they prepare. Students demonstrate they can plan a balanced meal on a budget by using nutritional analysis and costing recipes and learn how to make modifications to adapt recipes and to be creative with food styling to create aesthetically pleasing dishes for when presenting a final dish at the end of every practical.
Students are given the opportunity to join baking club. It is an extracurricular club where students can develop their baking skills through making a range of baked goods and learning how to adapt recipes to dietary needs such as veganism / gluten intolerances.
There is a strong focus on fully preparing the girls for GCSEs throughout years 7-9, by introducing GCSE topics, GCSE style exam questions and GCSE assessments.
Year 7 curriculum includes:
- Exploration project– Pupils are assessed on their ‘Stratford Regeneration’ project to show where they live on different scales. They showcase this project on parent’s evenings.
- Map Skills: Pupils are assessed on their level of geographical competency and are given the opportunity to learn these new skills inside and outside of the classroom.
- Introduction to Britain: Pupils are assessed on learning about the human and physical features of the UK, including a mini-fieldwork investigation on micro-climate.
- River Landscapes: Pupils are assessed on their ability explain how river landscapes are formed and evaluating whether they are at risk to flooding, people and property.
Our teachers are immensely passionate about the subject and recognise the fundamental importance of engaging learners in an academically rigorous subject. We plan, and teach, lessons that foster a spirit of enquiry, debate and enthusiasm for History. This enables our students to gain a more rounded understanding of society and the world as a whole.
In Year 7, History is taught on a carousel with Geography and RE and all History lessons are delivered by subject specialists. We teach an enquiry based learning where each topic is framed around a specific historical question. Enquiries cover a mixture of breadth (e.g. exploring a range of issues) and depth (e.g. focusing on a specific event or concept). A range of skills and proficiencies are developed in Year 7, such as the ability to critically evaluate historical sources, judge significance and analyse change and continuity over time.
Year 7 curriculum includes:
- Migration through time Exploration
- Thinking Like a Historian: The History of Sarah Bonnell School
- Was it really a measly and miserable Middle Ages?
- Who held power in the Middle Ages?
- How diverse was Tudor Britain?
- How “great” was the Ming Dynasty?
We follow a mastery approach to teaching maths which focuses on mathematical thinking, fluency, variation, coherence and representation and our aim is to support and stretch all learners through Quality First Teaching. In lessons students will have the opportunity to work both independently and collaboratively to develop a strong understanding of algebra, geometry, number, ratio and proportion, and statistics.
During Key Stage 3, students are introduced to key mathematical concepts and skills such as developing number sense, geometry and solving problems which allows pupils to learn and master these before embarking on the GCSE curriculum. In Key Stage 4 students start the GCSE syllabus and topics previously encountered at Key Stage 3 are built on and developed further through coherence. Throughout their time at Sarah Bonnell, students’ Maths lessons will link back to how the skills and topics learnt can be used in real life, whether she pursues Maths to Higher Education or otherwise. We aim to ensure that all students leave Sarah Bonnell being numerate with the essential skills to become successful adults in society.
The Year 7 curriculum exposes and develops the fundamental operations applicable across the Maths curriculum. The Exploration Project is embedded at the very start of the year to ensure students’ transition smoothly from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3. The mastery-style scheme continually enhances students’ critical thinking and helps them to articulate their mathematical understanding; skills required for year 8 and onwards. The curriculum aims to inspire curiosity and inquisitive thinking both collaboratively and individually. This is done through a variety of resources and manipulatives and aims to build student resilience whilst being both supported and challenged.
Throughout Year 7 students are assessed at the start and end of each topic through pre and post tests so that we can assess student understanding of individual topics and monitor each student’s progress over time.
Where we feel students may benefit from additional support we also offer numeracy groups whereby students follow a personalised numeracy scheme of learning in conjunction with the A&I department.
By the end of Year 7, students should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of:
- Algebraic thinking
- Place value and proportion
- Application of numbers
- Directed numbers and fractional thinking
- Lines and angles
- Reasoning with numbers
Alongside learning inside of the classroom, students in Year 7 have the opportunity to take part in celebrating Pi Day, STEAM week, Growth mindset and resilience Maths ELD as well as extracurricular clubs and the option to take part in the Junior Mathematics Challenge.
We have an accomplished team of professionals who work alongside our curriculum team to deliver small group and one-to-one instrumental tuition, run beginner clubs and support our extra-curricular programme. As a department, we think it is important to showcase this work throughout the year at termly concerts and events attended by parents and the school community.
The music department is a well-equipped space with a wide range of instruments and great access to music technology. We are also very excited to be moving to a new state of the art music hub later this year.
We know that students arrive to us with a range of different experiences in music from primary school and elsewhere. From the very start, we are keen that we celebrate and build on these experiences through our curriculum. In our first ‘exploration’ project students work as a class ensemble during which they are encouraged to sing or perform on an instrument they learned at Primary School. We are pleased to be able to offer subsidised instrument lessons and clubs for beginner and more advanced musicians. In year 7, all students are taught guitar and piano, skills they will build on throughout their first two years at Sarah Bonnell. They are also taught group singing, group drumming and introduced to music technology through a Blues & Jazz recording project.
The music department offers a range of extra-curricular activities for musicians of all ages and standards. These include choir, jazz band, string ensemble, drum works, piano club, Music Producer Club and band club. Students showcase high quality work at events throughout the year including lunchtime concerts, evening concerts, the Christmas show, and collaborations within Newham Borough.
“It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals. We should stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by who we are.” – Emma Watson
In Year 7, the PSHCE/Form Time programme is complemented by a robust and comprehensive Learning for Life curriculum. The aim of Learning for Life at Sarah Bonnell is to encourage the exploration and discussion of a variety of subjects relevant to both their lives and the lives of others, preparing students not only for their time at Sarah Bonnell, but also to be socially aware, confident and safe citizens of the 21st Century.
During Form Time, students will become better able to understand the issues that face them as young women in our modern society, as well as how to be confident in keeping themselves safe.
Term 1 – Health and Wellbeing
Core theme: A greater understanding of ourselves and our environment
Core theme: Understanding the impact of Relationships
Term 2 – Friends and Relationships
Core Theme: Physical, Mental and Emotional Health
Core Theme: Developing Positive Relationships with Others
Term 3 – Living in the Wider World
Core Theme: Career Skills
Core Theme: Transition to Year 8
Our RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) curriculum is designed to reflect Newham’s guidance around the implementation of the statutory arrangements in this area.
PE is an integral part of the school week as it is a key subject that enables students to focus on their physical development and movement. The core of the planning for each lesson is to providing multiple opportunities to learn through challenging and engaging content that is inclusive for every student taking part.
The department at Sarah Bonnell truly believe in placing PE, School Sport and Physical Activity at the heart of school life by promoting a culture of achievement, leadership, teamwork, participation and fair play to ensure that every student in PE experiences success.
Extra-Curricular Physical Activity Opportunities at Sarah Bonnell
All students are actively encouraged to join at least one extra-curricular PE club to develop the skills/tactics that they have learnt in their PE lessons, to experience/engage with a brand new sport/activity, to relieve stress/improve mindfulness, to build fitness levels or to represent the school in one of the many sports teams. These extra-curricular clubs are fully inclusive and are on offer to all students at Sarah Bonnell.
Our curriculum intent is to provide: Inspirational, Quality First Teaching + a wide range of opportunities in Physical Activity + progress for all = Physically Literate Students
- Students will build their knowledge, understanding and competence of the fundamental motor skills from Key Stage 1 and 2 through a challenging, engaging and thought-provoking transition project. They will learn about the importance of the fundamental motor skills, how they lead to more physically literate people and how they form the foundations of movement for all sporting activities/skills
- Students will build on the physical development and skills learned at Key Stage 1 and 2, becoming more competent and confident in their techniques across a wide variety of physical activities
- Students will begin to learn how to analyse their own and others’ performances to bring about practical improvements to achieve their personal best
- Students will build their compositional, creative and aesthetic skills in gymnastics, dance and trampolining
- Students will learn about basic tactics and set plays to overcome opponents in competitive settings through team and individual games
Students will begin to understand the long term health benefits of exercise and will show an interest in getting involved in exercise, sports and physical activities outside of school hours.
The Religious Studies Curriculum Area strives for students to engage in rigorous academic pursuit through critical engagement with the truth claims of major world faiths and philosophies, while creating opportunities for students to explore, reflect and understand the impact of beliefs on the lives of believers.
Students are encouraged to explore, challenge and develop their own views, knowledge and skills through discussion, debate and extracurricular activities. They showcase their understanding of matters of philosophy, religion and ethics through essays, presentations and by applying knowledge in creative ways.
In the study of matters of life, death and reality, students develop empathy, understanding and tolerance. This prepares students to engage in the wider world with an understanding of the diversity, values and challenges within society.
- Religious Migration in the East End through time Exploration
- Hinduism: Beliefs and Practices
- Buddhism: Beliefs and Practices
- Sikhism: Beliefs and Practices
The first year of RS at Sarah Bonnell focuses on comparative studies, identifying and evaluating similarities and differences between and within religions. Students are encouraged to consider the foundations, teachings, scripture and propositions about the meaning of life and compare and contrast to their own views and beliefs. Students are assessed on their understanding of how beliefs are reflected in the thoughts, feelings and actions of the believer.
Students study: Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism
Assessment: Student progress is measured through the school’s use of Gold, Silver and Bronze assessment, with pupils developing skills such as; Knowledge and understanding, expression, evaluation and textual analysis. Formal assessments support students to develop the academic writing skills necessary for KS4.
Be Proud: “A language is not just words. It’s a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community.” Noam Chomsky.
The diversity of languages offered reflects the rich cultural and linguistic heritage of our community. Languages at Sarah Bonnell offer students the opportunity to gain cultural capital through a wide range of extra-curricular enrichments, international and London based visits and opportunities to work with our native speaker language assistants.
Aim High: “Knowledge of language is the doorway to wisdom”, Roger Bacon
We offer a challenging and supportive curriculum that empowers all students to be able to communicate effectively in the languages they are studying. Students master a range of grammatical structures from year 7, allowing them to manipulate language for a range of purposes and become independent, confident linguists.
Work Hard: “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” Frank Smith
Enthusiasm, engagement and enjoyment are at the heart of language learning at Sarah Bonnell. The importance of languages is emphasised through a curriculum that links to the wider world. We aim to foster self-motivated students with a lifelong love of language learning.
Be Kind: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” Nelson Mandela.
Learning a language develops understanding, empathy and solidarity. It allows us to see the world from a different perspective.
No excuses “The limits of my language mean the limit of my world”. Ludwig Wittgensteign.
In the 21st century, living in a global community, English is not enough. Learning languages will open the door to our students to global employment, social and educational opportunities.
All year 7 students have the opportunity to study two languages from either French or Spanish, then Italian, Arabic, Urdu or Mandarin. The courses are open to all students regardless of their previous language learning experience with a focus on student’s enjoyment, love and appreciation of languages and diverse cultures.
The Year 7 World Languages curriculum provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of basic vocabulary and grammar and gain cultural capital through a range of enrichments and extracurricular activities and visits. There is a balance of speaking, listening, reading, grammar and writing to develop students’ communication skills to create confident, independent and brave language learners. This prepares them with necessary knowledge, confidence and skills to continue their learning journey into Year 8 and beyond. The Year 7 World Languages curriculum includes:
Arabic – An introduction to the alphabet, expressing opinions with justifications on a range of topics such as my local area, school, hobbies and sports
French – French phonics and pronunciation, expressing opinions with justifications on a range of topics such as friends and family
Italian – Expressing opinions with justifications on a range of topics such as friends and family, school and holidays
Mandarin – An introduction to the Chinese alphabet, expressing opinions with justifications on a range of topics
Spanish – Expressing opinions with justifications on a range of topics such as friends and family, food and holidays
Urdu – An introduction to the alphabet, expressing opinions with justifications on a range of topics such as my local area, school, hobbies and sports
In addition to student’s linguistic knowledge, they are also exposed to the culture of the language they are studying through enrichments such as Chinese Club, French bingo club, International Film Festival and Italian homework club. There are also a number of target language books and magazines available for students to use in the Learning Hub to enhance their linguistic skills and cultural knowledge.