Sarah Bonnell Futures Programme
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) helps young people to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills that they need to make well informed choices and plans that enable them to progress into the next stage of their learning and work, now and in the future. Sarah Bonnell is committed to providing this high quality guidance to young people as part of their personal development as empowered citizens prepared for life in the 21st Century. At Sarah Bonnell CEIAG is known as the ‘Futures programme’.
Through the Futures Programme all students are entitled to at least 100 hours of Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance from year 7-11. We aim to ensure our CEIAG programme:
- Empowers young people to plan and manage their own futures
- Responds the the needs of each learner
- Provides comprehensive information and advice, including information on technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities
- Aim High: Raises aspirations
- Actively promotes equality of opportunity, inclusion and antiracism.
- Helps young people to progress to the next stage as appropriate
Students are entitled to careers education information advice guidance that is impartial and confidential. It will be integrated into their experience of the whole curriculum, based on a partnership with students and their parent(s) or person(s) of parental responsibility. The programme will promote equality of opportunity, inclusion and anti-racism. Teachers and career professionals will support students in a number of ways including:
- Information in lessons, Enhanced Learning Days and assemblies.
- Access to our careers advisors including individual meetings, drop-ins, enrichment activities and on results day.
- Careers information and online careers programmes including Morrisbey.
- Information in the Careers Zone and accessible through the school website and Google Classroom.
- Identifying the needs of students and targeting students who require additional support in their transition as well as early intervention offered to any students at risk of becoming NEET.
- Students will access CEIAG through the curriculum, one-to-one interviews, workshops, enrichment activities, career insight visits, and work experience.
Our Careers Team
The Careers team is made up of the following people:
Jonny Slater is our Careers Lead, and Assistant Headteacher, and can be contacted by email: [email protected]
Elizabeth Aylott is our Careers Leader and Advisor, and can be contacted by email: [email protected]
CEIAG Policy
CEIAG Policy – our documented approach to careers guidance provision (which includes how we provide access to employers)
SB Futures Curriculum Learning Journey
Additional information for students
Students are encouraged to review the information provided via the hyperlinks below.
- Newham guide to courses for 16-18 year olds – advice and guidance from the borough
- National Apprenticeship Database – find an apprenticeship
- National Careers Skills Assessment – skills health check
- National Careers Service Online Advisory Service – live webchat
- Careerpilot charity – careers information and tools
- Prospects – careers information and tools
Gatsby Benchmarks
Our school is committed to providing our students with the best possible careers education programme. As part of this commitment, we continue to measure our success against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks that are recognised as the core dimensions of good careers and enterprise provision in schools. These are:
- To provide a stable careers programme;
- To support learning from career and labour market information;
- To address the needs of each pupil;
- To link curriculum learning to careers where possible;
- To provide encounters with employers and employees;
- To provide opportunities for and guidance on workplace experiences;
- To provide encounters with further and higher education; and
- To offer personalised, impartial guidance.