Home School Partnership – the Sarah Bonnell Way
We are committed to helping our students to excel during their time with us. We believe that this is best supported through a partnership approach – ie. school, parents/carers and students working together. This partnership approach is clearly articulated in our Home School Agreement, which uses the Sarah Bonnell Way to clarify expectations. Details of which are available by clicking the links below.
All students and parent/carers are asked to read, agree and sign the agreement prior to becoming a member of the Sarah Bonnell School community.
- Always put 100% of my effort into my learning, participate in all lessons, and complete all class and homework to the best of my ability.
- Wear correct uniform and bring the correct equipment every day.
- Respect and take care of the school environment; it is my school, and I have a role to play in maintaining a positive learning environment.
- Attend school on time every day, and arrive at my lessons on time, ready to learn.
- Make the most of all opportunities I am offered.
- Follow all instructions in lessons, around the school and during school trips.
- Take responsibility for my own learning, progress and attainment.
- Listen to others, be kind and polite; treat others the way I would like to be treated.
- Look after and respect all members of the Sarah Bonnell School community. I will not be a bystander and allow anyone to be treated badly.
- Commit to building my resilience, face challenges head on, and never give up.
- Accept responsibility for my behaviour and the consequences of it.
- Ensure my mobile phone is switched off and out of sight during the school day.
- Be responsible in my use of the internet and social media outside of school; I will not post unpleasant statements, or statements intended to upset anyone else, on any social media platform.
- Make healthy choices in the food I bring to school, and not bring chewing gum or fizzy drinks.
- Ensure that my daughter arrives on time and aims to maintain 100% attendance. In the event of unavoidable absence I will contact the school’s absence line every day.
- Ensure my daughter is in correct school uniform and arrives with the necessary equipment for learning.
- Discuss my daughter’s work/progress with her regularly, check that all homework is completed and sign her planner each week.
- I agree to my daughter taking part in all areas of the curriculum including music, swimming, dance, assemblies, theatre visits, and PSHRE (Personal, Social, Health and Religious Education).
- Attend October’s Celebration of Achievement, Parent’s Evening and, wherever possible, other events.
- Encourage my daughter to attend visits/trips/extracurricular activities to support her development.
- Work together with the school to achieve the best for my daughter.
- Let the school know if there are any issues of relevance which may affect my daughter.
- Make sure I do not take my daughter out of school for holidays during term time.
- Provide up-dated information regarding telephone numbers and addresses and respond to all communication from the school regarding my daughter.
- Ensure your daughter has a broad, balanced curriculum which meets her individual learning needs and enables her to succeed.
- Ensure regular communication between home and school.
- Provide a high standard of teaching and learning, with the expectation that all students should achieve results in line with their abilities.
- Provide regular feedback and set appropriate targets to encourage achievement.
- Ensure that homework is regularly set and that all work is marked regularly.
- Provide encouragement including praise and reward.
- Support students’ emotional/social development and well-being.
- Maintain a supportive atmosphere in which your daughter can work and succeed.
- Communicate with parents/carers regularly about school activities, and offer opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school.
Behaviour for learning
Our Behaviour for Learning Policy describes in more detail how the Sarah Bonnell Way supports learning and our students’ personal development at our school.